Saturday, April 29, 2006

North of Infinity II - Pub Date Announced

We have secured both Canadian and U.S. release dates for North of Infinity II, and a cover image is in progress (current "draft" of cover image appears to the left).

ISBN: 0889628645
ISBN-13: 9780889628649

Canadian Release:
June 2006

U.S.A Release:
Sept 2006

I have just sent an important email out to all NOI 2 contributors. If you are a contributor and have not received it, please contact me ASAP. Thanks.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

North of Infinity III - Status Update

When I was at Mosaic on Friday, I found a small pile of hard-copy submissions for NOI III waiting for me there. Once I finish going through those submissions I should be in good shape for the final selection round (which is still on track to be done by the end of May).

North of Infinity II - In Layout

I had a wonderfully productive meeting Friday evening with Howard at Mosaic Press, sorting out the publication schedule for it. The book should be back from the printer by late spring/early summer. Sam at Mosaic is currently hard at work on the layout of the book, and cover image designs are also being developed. (As soon as a cover is landed on, I'll be posting that here)