Tuesday, December 20, 2005

Getting Caught Up

I've finally finished going through the very first read-through of all of the submissions for NOI 3. Whew. Now, using the notes I made while plowing through the submissions, I need to send out responses to contributors letting them know if they've either made it to the "short-list" for final consideration, or if, unfortunately, I had to pass on their story.

I should be able to get some time within the next week to complete sending responses out to all contributors.

North of Infinity II is currently at Mosaic, and here's the first peek at the lineup of excellent stories you'll soon be able to read in it.

State of Disorder (Douglas Smith)
Pas de deux (Stephen Graham King)
Identity Factory (Andrew Weiner)
Shadows (Karen Danylak)
I Found Love on Channel 3 (Bruce Golden)
Metal Fatigue (Nancy Kilpatrick)
Son of Sun (A.M. Matte)
Lump (Robert H. Beer)
Confessions of Me: Betrayer of Humanity (Zohar A Goodman)
Forever (Robert J. Sawyer)
Sum of their Parts (Stephanie Bedwell-Grime)
Walter's Brain (Kimberly Foottit)

Monday, December 05, 2005

Behind Was Like Three Weeks Ago

I can no longer call where I am with the original submission pile to NOI 3 being behind. "Behind" was where I was when I made my last post on November 18th. At this point in time I have just over a dozen stories to still read before I've read every tale.

It's tough, because there are so many good submissions, and sometimes I'm re-reading a story before making a decision to either pass on it or keep it for final selection. Who would've thought that getting so many great submissions would be a curse?

I'm estimating that I should be through the original round of submissions and getting back to contributors with either a "sorry" or a "final round" response. I'm still estimating that for those folks who've I've already notified (or will notify soon) that their story is in the final selection round, I hope to be able to make the final decision of stories by the end of Feb 2006.